Philippine Standard Time:

By: Joel P. Torres, School Paper Adviser, English Journalism Club

             Bringing simple gifts and a lot of love to the beneficiaries of the annual “Share the Love” program of the President Corazon “Cory” C. Aquino National High School teachers and administration staff headed by their dynamic school principal, Mrs. Grace B. Torres and their assistant principal, Mr. Roger B. Escarilla, put big smiles to its parents and students in this time of the year.

            The event was held at the multi-purpose covered court of PCCCANHS on December 13, 2023. The attendees were the parents of the student-beneficiary, the Faculty-Employee Association (FEA) headed by Mrs. Erlinda Aligonero, Teachers from different departments, and the School Parent-Teacher Association.

           The yearly “Share the Love” gift-giving project of PCCCANHS started way back during the time of pandemic in 2020. This program was initiated by its teachers to bring love and hope to the underprivileged learners and their families.

          According to one of the faculty, “With small amount of money from their pockets, our teachers want share their compassion to those students who are in need especially this time of the year”. He added that, “We may see them smiling in their classrooms, and sitting quietly during their breaktime, but behind those smiles, these students are having trouble spending couple of pesos just to ease their hunger.” Another teacher said, “We always see them happy inside their classrooms, but finding out that their families are also struggling everyday just to feed them, it gives us heartaches.”

         Most of the learners in this school are almost less fortunate, coming from families that try hard to cope up in their daily living. There are also students that are spending their free time getting a part time job to help their families buy their day after day needs, when they should have done their school tasks at home.

          As this year ends, the teachers and the administration of President Corazon “Cory” C. Aquino National High School, headed by Mrs. Grace B. Torres and Mr. Roger B. Escarilla, commit this project every year for their love to its most important stakeholder, their loving students.